" }8 [2 Z+ u& l t. X5 _screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('https://tmallyh.top/res/2021/09-22/19/518256c7cd4ac1b093c582c93c92bb88.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
; v1 i$ `% B3 m; F \- y(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
$ A0 {! G* b" e U7 {& `- R* h0 ^音羽奏
3 `1 `" \4 Y3 c2 c, z身高:160CM 三围:B120(P)/W56/H94
2 W6 L- C ], ?, {1 d' W! R& \(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
8 z* F, T7 U% B$ A# W& P不擅长与人交谈,个性很沉稳悠闲,钢琴家胸部同级生。
! |( C6 Z0 O6 U# n$ K5 D1 D(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
7 g5 Y: X) M# X( v; r: e& \0 s(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! N7 D6 w) L1 v, y. b; y(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
. g5 K& F+ Y4 z5 g# C) B+ c(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! d2 O7 P; p, P2 Y, x& z, |(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
) Q' A) k0 p( t/ k( M5 Z% d4 S因为总是找不到她演奏的地方,所以被称为『屋顶钢琴家』。
" |! I) Q7 }, z+ t& Y(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
1 K1 F4 @5 l: |' ?/ i(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
& o. w$ b: O* \
5 X7 \$ S- V' H* i% z C. \screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('https://tmallyh.top/res/2021/09-22/19/65963837cc9db30d5f752f3adffe8444.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
4 X) D9 d8 N( k+ {5 N( p3 D! q7 K( C+ v1 K( e) k9 Q% m' A(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
% j6 t" K1 H/ G% j6 Q( N, x$ P) D(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
身高:154CM 三围:B106(O)/W54/H84
2 H1 \5 M( t F9 d
* x' D7 Q; y1 }, Q) C6 g# I外表虽然是名冷酷的黑长直美少女,实际上是生存于雪国深山的『雪女』。
5 Q6 D M+ G% l$ a8 L个性虽然冷淡,内心却又相当热情,而且极为讨厌认输。
) h& ?' ?9 }/ [(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! B# \6 U) H" j4 c+ y* R. i v6 g" ](欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
- I+ x! \1 U. H" S(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
7 W/ n0 K6 ^2 F2 x R* @(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
- P* J5 r, h- Q8 J) d* Y* t y(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
0 n6 w, m- m& d- Y% H
& y; M- o% J+ j. B5 i F/ F9 Escreen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('https://tmallyh.top/res/2021/09-22/19/8c0352670f5839eb9ba6a46e35ae883e.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
" P: r& z; ]+ N4 V. ?$ t(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
' R X5 G" b' c- l+ W) s远山明日香
6 X0 f8 O `; U& `0 N7 k(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
身长:161cm 三围:B108(N)/ W58/ H90
- o5 G$ h2 u3 O6 ?(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
+ b/ s& ^3 X( b# j9 r4 m# F9 l小时候在河边溺水,被主角救起来,之后就一直对主角抱有好感的青梅竹马同级生。
6 n, E6 e" i; i d3 I5 U(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
6 n5 X) e+ g, y- k9 e# x3 L2 k7 `- A(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
% {3 h& A4 y; e( L" e% L4 t$ i$ Q- ?(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
' U" K; N! X7 L+ l/ b0 A因为从相遇之后,每天都被主角揉胸部,胸围发育到N罩杯了。
9 _! @0 v T' E- H(最近似乎还流出母乳了,感到很害羞。)
Q- z0 C1 _1 u2 j/ Z/ J; W
9 [1 r: @( Z _ f5 k. R6 F: V
+ X% |0 D% ~& z" Z# z$ j
0 `+ Y, L0 H4 B4 D% W! N- @! h(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('https://tmallyh.top/res/2021/09-22/19/b164ee934092b9e727001814ae931f66.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
- T! r" U; Y2 f# J7 F f# ~7 ^/ P9 d1 q! w(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
. r" u/ ^ S7 _& u6 \身高:161CM 三围:B111(O)/W55/H81
- q) e; F4 }" s2 u) s* a8 _" `(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
1 X; w9 {* k8 @3 u+ q个性相当认真,不容许是非不分的风纪委员长。
2 s( E3 B3 M: u/ h$ _4 x8 x" q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
1 B- F: a. H7 J: o言词严肃,却又有着慈善一面,就算下达判决,饶恕状况意外还挺多的。
0 R( M4 W p* ^8 S% y# L, |$ S* b: X2 I" Y" W/ p(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
' }; c3 I% [- \- `$ _对于这种比常人加倍的工口好奇心,本人也是感觉到自卑。
0 ]9 \; z1 E b* ]9 W5 T; }+ H; h8 B# W) [(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
( ?! t6 d3 h; `7 l# `
/ W" p, ~7 j) N& D6 Z+ n: L0 ~(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('https://tmallyh.top/res/2021/09-22/19/bfea12cee1b3fc9b45428a0d4662651f.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
0 V7 ?: v& Z/ e' k- {( M1 w3 j(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! @% r/ |3 h& [) B, _(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
9 ]+ r+ c0 f6 n' Z+ A2 L' {% x(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
身长:175cm 三围:B123(Q)/ W57/ H96
8 C# N0 y+ i9 H( q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
, g0 Y2 q) K- B9 n) W9 |- T(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
2 {* p" n v4 L身材高挑,喜欢照顾人,是大姐姐般的角色。
5 Z% J4 d$ v* g因为出身花道家族,对礼仪方面很啰唆,总是把主角当成弟弟照顾。
1 v1 ~/ l6 u# |9 X(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
$ \, E0 y" F* p- r- b+ k& C对于主角的色色话题跟性骚扰,『吐槽手刀』总是毫不留情炸开。
0 A4 B( B3 t, k8 r8 n/ k
. S8 Y$ D; U- ~$ z, l5 c9 ]6 M/ w6 ?6 A7 y6 o4 p6 \2 h8 n(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
* W8 ^. c6 l, X# X9 c0 ^screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('https://tmallyh.top/res/2021/09-22/19/d82fa72aef0eafb82e17c4b4894e5d58.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
" T& L( a3 R ^(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
, I* G3 s `+ |7 d2 s三咲 若菜
4 C6 `- O5 A5 U0 o. P ~身高:160CM 三围:B122(P)/ W60/ H88
) ]- m: v) z% r5 o! ?6 Y6 u2 r- @9 \(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
% ? V. k/ R' D$ m(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
$ M: L L" H* W0 C+ C8 a% v, h# B7 [+ ?(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
) B# z+ h- ?8 Z(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
m9 R9 |; N5 m X
0 S/ _) C5 h M; u I$ R2 q
3 k: B$ v) P8 c5 m; _$ X3 y4 ]
/ k1 Y( r# Y' }2 h7 e第一回:http://spring4u.info/viewthread.php?tid=98963
# v" M2 _" j0 N; q
6 x P! q$ G! a5 Z9 g( E B9 Y3 }第二回:http://spring4u.info/viewthread.php?tid=99305
5 V+ J: ^# e' w% k(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
( [! J7 W) c# ]" A* Q$ k( ~6 O第三回:http://spring4u.info/viewthread.php?tid=99807
8 I8 M) P( L3 t' b) d(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
- V& k8 Y; ]1 S% x; g' a0 O(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
0 Q/ F, Q' P) ^' q W, b, n; ?, w# {(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! X; M) \: G5 H3 D M/ I; {6 q4 @# s第五回:http://spring4u.info/viewthread.php?tid=103884
" x- K% B }2 Y! m(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
1 h( H4 X1 }* l0 Q+ C2 {. w(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
: S1 T) l) m) Q2 h6 q" u(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
" m$ Z Q3 M! @4 v5 v9 h- W(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
% N! h' |( s6 W, {. F2 M(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
Y" F- o, a' Y0 O7 |8 K; C(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
3 G8 k) L$ [: [. L(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
& c8 S, B! `8 A* R, P# A% K" o(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
) g+ k* y1 F3 ?8 B$ b(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! ~8 \) a% m" n& W7 b" F) y(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
+ x3 t8 ?. k6 n+ l! f I0 [(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
5 \! d- d- L% w, l+ l; H(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! Y4 I! E) r% w+ E2 A' T) @1 b(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
/ K' \ x& b3 L8 W' Z9 d(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
- ^' D c' ~5 A! |(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
$ c8 }/ i' o8 _$ R+ v$ G( R(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
8 Y- ] d+ i9 Y$ G" b(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
& I5 A% W1 _* P& H(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
" @, j4 _( o) k- B6 e+ |4 `9 K(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
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