+ T- D! w: e4 }; m2 z( g+ r(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://i.imgur.com/BfbbEVr.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
8 f1 h4 C9 j# N4 I4 ` G(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
7 K$ ]& i4 T# z- X# Y8 s- U/ `米榭鲁‧堤‧拉‧法泽
! A; m6 W3 W8 b- J1 V(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
身高:175CM 三围:B128(T)/W58/H88
$ |& q5 D/ F9 v5 i2 g N# @. r0 X H% N4 p# A6 l1 ^! _(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
6 W1 r U* k7 G! g& b& ]6 y( e(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
2 z" R m8 l% O' J- w! r7 W因为重视规律与坚实正直的性格所导致,以致于无法坦率的与主人公交流。
( u2 V" f* D) Q) l同时也是西洋剑的达人,到目前为止还没有人斗剑赢的过她。
6 s/ i+ }# E% K9 o+ u B此外,她在到了生理期的时候就会"突变"成小罗莉,这个体质究竟是怎样来的到目前为止还是未知数。
/ a) ^+ x$ L- s( }/ E(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
" h t) b% i6 B& b( x2 ?' y+ P- `5 V( |' m0 Z2 q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
( I+ X, l# @) O: K(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
+ W: O. R6 m2 T* Q% @% x(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
) K/ a6 f; I7 V( I3 ^(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
. M X6 ?/ j$ {% x/ I' M(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://i.imgur.com/YeOgoZ3.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
0 ]8 Z6 i* E) r4 Z3 W" k
; J; O2 ]0 p' L4 S宗本 实
* f2 `- {& M7 A' y. M+ f身高:160CM 三围:B100?(H?)/W56/H83
) Q q% q. D$ W7 a( t5 _! l. D4 [4 n; ?(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
) y$ W; C3 W8 N: a8 g& F& j(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
Z7 s6 s- S2 r% h(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
3 Y3 Y& c, I4 D+ H1 Q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
1 O+ r" G) |# {5 ?. T(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
* F) G, j- t. z# ~9 F0 }6 i" c(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
" S" E9 U$ @/ _+ L9 K(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
6 Z0 W, G" G6 h0 s- p打扫、家事都是职业级,其实很喜欢『烤番薯』。
4 q5 y* d0 d# c, W) g& H(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
: M$ y- \( g5 @: a3 F& N! B9 A5 J4 s(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
$ r; N* J+ |6 w7 m N* C8 |7 Y |5 f0 f$ J% }* }(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
- B3 K! [; a7 D1 a8 q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
4 s: I" e( X8 x- R7 z4 u2 [(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://i.imgur.com/foq65wP.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
. g. f8 f3 k8 }! v* M- {5 W9 D6 `. Q! u; l/ ~8 s2 U! ]* ^(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! _+ a2 l0 T, ?0 }/ [(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
身长:175cm 三围:B123(Q)/ W57/ H96
' N' V2 ]- ]1 |8 `7 S# N
, ?, e5 A# J( f5 r排球社。也是担任宿舍长的同班同学。
$ T4 v. h+ z# K) L( @6 v(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
5 P1 P. q$ q$ _! A$ C* q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
. h, i3 H0 G( \1 Q; b(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
( |" G/ s6 U }$ \) {$ u( ?' H(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
+ y9 s" J( y; C4 f; f n& w$ ], f0 p6 ~(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
3 o+ U5 d0 z f, a. T+ O& H% n0 W Z( T' [8 E4 Q+ I8 Z# l5 y/ y$ w(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
" D0 A9 ?' Y; h# V: d& W6 t. [2 e6 s(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
% K, E" a8 q, D$ i/ oscreen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://i.imgur.com/shh5qAV.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
! K5 A0 ?3 s: S/ z! w& {) C7 Z
8 p0 E; z3 u% w5 O0 M米莎=伊文希亚
! w* g4 I( C+ C3 O身高:165CM 三围:B100(K)/ W54/ H89
- [4 U( t7 ]9 v @% w- {6 l& c% @(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
1 C8 z1 t) F9 U8 M" g- o俄罗斯留学生。
3 A! a9 E7 H# b从小时候就练习溜冰,现在实力是奥运等级。
0 d: k$ r) V G7 U, x(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
3 H4 O" p6 \( [0 n* p有些任性、孩子气。
3 \; |: Z7 ]$ D
+ q& {4 z$ b. n+ u
7 v1 {+ q$ [1 P. r# p( S8 U# R9 ?* V2 q. s6 h( v5 i! t(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
% N' v. Q& V6 c" t k+ g5 U4 ~6 G0 R(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://i.imgur.com/Hzs1J23.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
1 o4 O/ L- k/ t! K- n" v# I7 }(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
' P9 G6 @- h0 q: r(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
, g, x& Y( |2 A, R, _4 K身高:154CM 三围:B106(O)/W54/H84
! s4 a& M- F5 {7 R; e(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
5 w9 |+ N0 C# z(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! B1 w' L8 z. A6 z(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
$ W9 b* F9 A- u(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
0 t4 z+ b1 i( i, H7 P l% @& r2 t3 v9 ~ F6 o a1 h(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
6 ?& y+ m0 {( o% R$ h) w6 ]社团属于花式溜冰社,对于俄罗斯留学生、花式溜冰高手的米莎,也燃起了对抗意志。
" N5 i; `7 t- D: \' D! s0 \$ ^& l M) b/ w(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
; |! o- T% T8 F4 g9 f! I9 T" h4 T" }% \" p* A% _5 _(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
0 @" r. O) o0 O1 q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://i.imgur.com/lcZMXrI.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
# B0 W C- H/ c1 L; \; B(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
e$ e' ^2 d! Y% j8 x' N惠美野真白 身高:156CM 三围:B113(N罩杯)/W56/H82
9 d$ L* O( y- T3 I2 n( y* l
8 x0 }1 J8 {# e6 {便当用『真白的乳沟加温』!?
" \% y5 j7 z! k9 H5 |5 r北海道出身的治癒系便利商店看板娘‧乳同级生!
+ ]( I# b' L- T: |$ k6 W' x |
& I) B3 u( U2 c' E6 e, P在学园便利商店『-4』打工的治癒系乳同级生。
G" c9 t2 u" \(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
7 K# b8 M+ {0 R0 [, j* V因为个性迷糊,时常撞到店内的商品架。
& F# ?* v7 O* r9 r(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! L! S0 D2 L$ _4 V- o3 {- R9 w# f2 W6 H3 n/ h( Y- @# |: H(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
" Z2 e, x9 j) {7 G5 ~
; X! P& ~4 o- O$ C& s: J
" I7 N. s0 R4 \. {( r' a* Uscreen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://i.imgur.com/0bFZJy1.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);">
* ]$ ?$ v4 I7 E7 R+ c& b8 D9 O w8 z! e7 h" z& m(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
小川玲奈 身高:156CM 三围:B125(Q罩杯)/W54/H88
' A4 s& B0 N0 p( q8 P(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
; j/ T0 U7 u- K3 h& \( E(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
5 m# }- f. h) X" q: ?; h个性是个喜欢照顾人的大姐姐。
; N( f8 S6 e6 t/ h2 H9 S" f可是,身上却穿着非常性感的乳牛泳装,有着母乳埋蔵量∞、Q罩杯的巨乳。
/ g8 S M8 D( P- w+ T因为兼职经营牧场,特技是製造起司、优格,材料是『我的母乳喔☆(闪亮)。
# a- e8 [% I C8 B& ](欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
, r0 v, e" g) H# l C$ E$ V, f. h6 Q# E! {* }+ M6 [(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
# l' c g7 [% K(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
6 ~8 b3 t2 {1 |3 Q, s(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
% J7 H5 m M1 E2 g: ~, T
% m! F2 s) \2 Z3 D& t# X$ m }(这里……是-4吗?)
4 A( P. j% f }6 q/ F5 X' A p
% U9 }# _0 \3 b1 h& r% a带米榭鲁跟宗本同学看过美术教室跟音乐教室后,此时来到一个熟悉地方。
/ V: T8 V! q& [3 ~+ r(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
0 t& Q; K$ n: L$ x3 Q" P(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
+ ]: ]$ j# x" J2 T% {(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
0 e1 j2 q! e4 T) ](欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
8 s2 B- A4 m( Z0 ~! c4 [- k4 A0 z) V/ v t1 h" f/ x, k$ G( p(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
+ N6 H) _% ]1 X1 l c8 u. ]0 I(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
( O. V, z; V! D- o(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
3 _2 @7 H9 k7 ]5 h q4 p+ ? p1 j/ E8 n( q/ Q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
, g+ v2 ^ w1 R* @' A9 Z! K* @(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
, k7 M& a( c2 l" h% G. X- Z% A2 a一个比海报角色可爱百倍的少女,放下整理到一半的货架,用可爱笑容迎接我们。
9 U0 P( l) H# D4 {0 j(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
6 `8 W6 J$ C9 }(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
% N; ^9 W- c/ r5 T( z; s* e7 N: g& A4 J4 F; g4 N9 X$ t$ ~2 C(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
- g; v' K q5 q4 O" G6 i' m) D2 \8 p+ B5 c' f d8 k1 Z* U, W(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
) C: G* \) C1 c6 x. B
+ f0 F; k1 p) U. P- M2 C; x6 n「真白……这里是?」
2 f9 K0 Q0 g# \& I7 e$ ^* m(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
2 z4 n) a `: M- y1 o" J(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
! y* g* O5 \# J$ `1 x% @3 c5 p! j2 ~$ Q(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
3 {1 D3 A) _. M/ l) i) U( o
9 b8 p4 X: F) A/ v7 O「是的,总是以笑脸迎人的学园便利商店『-4』,以后请多多指教呢,米榭鲁同学,宗本同学。」
/ c6 L$ G( A7 q0 X- O(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
; p7 y) u( [ Y9 n3 o(欢迎访问春满四合院:chunman4.com)
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